1964-65 New York World's Fair Paper Models
Three fun paper models for you to assemble.
A little patience, a little glue and you can have a neat little representation of a few familiar objects from the Fair.
I recommend glue stick and a small sharp scissor. Good luck!
Trash Can:    
Here's an easy one to get you started.   Cutting and folding is fairly straight forward.
Click HERE for full size picture and then print.  
AMF Monorail:    
Click HERE for full size schematic of the pictured model and then print.  Try the adjusted picture HERE (I tried to round the front a bit but have not built the model yet). Click HERE for a fold and cut schematic. Print and cut two to make a complete monorail train as in the picture to the right.


Click HERE for full size picture and then print.  I covered a standard pencil with gray paper for the post.



Here's the Luminaire model superimposed onto a real picture of the NYS Pavilion.  Looks great!!

Email me your completed models. Better yet, design your own and submit it to me and I'll post it here! info@64nywf65.20m.com


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